Monday, November 26, 2018

Rain rain go away, come again as snow.

Above freezing temperatures have lead to rain, puddles, and a lack of snow. My morning commute bringing me less and less joy. My steed seems to scream out in distaste of the weather, by allowing her chain to slip from the gears. I tried adjusting her derailer, after the first few days but the problem persists, and her fifth gear is now skipped. Straight from four to six. I will be removing her old chain and installing a new one, my mind knows that the slush and salt of the road will wear into the chain, destroying it. But that is no ordinary bicycle, that is my noble steed! They have carried me far and been a constant companion over the last four years through thick and thin. Maybe while I have her chain off I can clear some of the built up dirt and grease, really clean up. Lately everyone has been telling me that biking to work in winter isn't viable and I need to learn to drive, a little spit and polish and maybe everyone will see her as I do. A beautiful steed, together there is nothing that can stand in our way. Unfortunately the weather did not agree with me, my maintenance day was met with rain instead of snow or even sun. Another day of chain slipping is in my forecast, however I have managed to minimize this. If I keep geared towards the larger gears. Which to me screams I chain is indeed too long, it must have stretched a little and the change in tires really brought the problem to the forefront. A forecast of snow for the morning is encouraging to my spirits, my chain may slip tomorrow but at least the ride will be fun.

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